sâmbătă, 30 noiembrie 2013

Rollers/roler blind cleaning services.

Roller blinds are amongst the popular blinds, both in residential or office environment . they are usually chain or string operated and although the fabric can last for decades, in time the mechanism can fail in parts, making the blind unusable.
That s when you need to call the broken blinds team to fix and restore it to it s former glory. We usually replace the chain mechanism or the string inside, if the system used is one no longer manufactered for a long time, the fabric can be put on a new system, witch allows you to keep your beloved blinds and use them for another decade. In terms of cleaning , most of the fabric s can be ultrasonicaly cleaned , wich makes them look like new.
Damaged fabrics can be replaced on the same system, giving you a new blind at a reduced cost and trouble.

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