luni, 24 februarie 2014

Blind cleaning services London - residential sector

If you look for a cleaning blinds service in London, you're in the right place! We professionally clean, repair and maintain all types of blinds:
  • Venetian Blinds
  • pleated and duettes
  • Roman and Fabric Blinds
  • Roller Blinds
  • Vertical Blinds
  • silhouettes
We provide , through our courteous  and professional field teams , on site repairs , when possible, if no  we take your blinds to our equipped workshop, where they are carefully inspected, fixed, with new parts where needed, then we return your blinds usually in max 2 working days and rehang them, with no mess or any trace of disturbance.

sâmbătă, 22 februarie 2014

Microciparea este o metoda rapida si sigura de identificare a animalului pierdut. Microcipul nu este mai mare decat un bob de orez si contine un cod unic de identificare care poate fi citit de un scanner standard ISO.
Microcipul, material biocompatibil, este extrem de sigur pentru animale. Este un dispozitiv pasiv si nu necesita baterii. Microciparea animalului dureaza cateva secunde si este o metoda relativ nedureroasa. Procedura de implantare nu necesita anestezie. 

vineri, 21 februarie 2014

Hotel Relax

 Hotel Relax este hotelul pe care trebuie sa-l alegi atunci cand vizitezi Craiova, fiind locatia ideala pentru cazare si alte evenimente.
   Fie ca alegeti Hotel Relax pentru cazare in interes de afaceri, in scop turistic, participati sau organizati un eveniment, hotelul nostru de 3 stele din Craiova va ofera numeroase facilitati pentru o sedere placuta in Craiova. Cele 22 camere ale hotelului sunt completate de o varietate de servicii si facilitati.
   Hotel Relax ofera oaspetilor un Business Center complet echipat si acces gratuit la Internet WiFi.
   Incepeti ziua cu un mic dejun delicios si copios in Restaurantul Hotelului. Puteti savura o bere pe terasa sau un cocktail in Lobby Bar.
   Un loc elegant, Business Hotel - Hotel Relax este situat in zona de vest a Craioveiaproape de Elpreco, Baumax, Fabirca de bere, Praktiker, CEZ Distributie.
   Hotel Relax – Hotel 3 stele Craiova - este cea mai buna solutie de cazare, pentru delegatii.
   Cauti Cazare in Craiova? Ai ales excelent hotelul nostru; fiind usor accesibil, situat aproape de soseaua de centura a Craiovei, hotelul ofera facilitati deosebite si servicii de calitate.
Doresti o rezevare pentru un hotel in Craiova? Contacteaza Hotel Relax.
Cauti toner , fier vechi , web designcontabilitate Brasov ? Click pt detalii
Cauti un hotel ieftin in Craiova ? Hotel Relax este cea mai buna alegere ! Te asteptam !

miercuri, 19 februarie 2014



Ambulanta veterinara Sun Cris Vet ofera:
  • serviciu 24 ore pe zi
  • 7 zile pe saptamana
  • ingrijirea cainilor si a pisicilor
  • tratamente de urgenta in cazuri critice
  • servicii de medicina interna
Alte servicii de specialitate:
  • ecografie
  • dermatologie
  • oftalmologie. 
13 Situatii de Urgenta in care trebuie chemata Ambulanta Veterinara: 
  • Sangerari severe sau sangerari care nu se opresc in 5 minute;
  • Sufocare, respiratie sau tuse non-stop;
  • Sangerare din nas, gura sau rect, tuse cu sange, urinare cu sange;
  • Incapacitatea de a urina sau de a trece fecale (scaun), sau durere evident asociat cu urinare sau trece scaun
  • Leziuni la ochiul animalului de companie;
  • Banuiti sau stiti ca animalul a mancat ceva toxic (cum ar fi antigel, ciocolata, otrava de rozatoare, etc);
  • Oase fracturate, schiopatura severa sau incapacitatea de a misca piciorul;
  • Semne evidente de durere sau anxietate extrema;
  • Stresul termic sau insolatie;
  • Varsaturi severe sau diaree - mai mult de 2 episoade intr-o perioada de 24 de ore, sau oricare dintre acestea, combinate cu boli evidente sau la oricare dintre celelalte probleme enumerate aici;
  • Refuzul de a bea apa timp de 24 de ore sau mai mult;
  • Simptome de accident vascular cerebral.
  • Inconstienta
Ne deplasam cu rapiditate indiferent de ora, avem personal cu inalta calificare in medicina interna.

luni, 17 februarie 2014

Cand este considerat un animal de companie senior?

In general, rase mici de caini traiesc mai mult decat rase mai mari (pisicile traiesc mai mult decat caini). Dincolo de faptul ca durata de viata va varia in functie de fiecare individ, totusi se stie ca un caine de talie mare devine “senior” dupa varsta de 7 ani, iar un caine de talie mica abia dupa varsta de 10-12 ani. Cea mai buna sursa pentru a afla mai multe informatii in legatura cu varsta de aur a animalului de companie ramane medicul veterinar.
Teste necesare
Examenele de sanatate sunt mai importante decat oricand la animalele  trecute de o anumita varsta pentru a intarzia aparitia unor afectiuni sau pentru detectarea timpurie a problemelor de organ si a osteoartritei. Recomandam vizite la medicul veterinar din 6 in 6 luni pentru un examen complet si teste de laborator. In timpul examinarii, medicul veterinar va va pune o serie de intrebari cu privire la orice modificare in activitatea si comportamentul animalului de companie. Medicul veterinar va efectua o examinare completa. Testele de laborator sunt de asemenea, componente cheie ale examinarii.

duminică, 16 februarie 2014

Vopsea de Par Color Plus - 0.1 Negru Albastrui + Ser Stralucire plic 5 ml CADOU

Îmbogăţită cu ulei de avocado, keratină şi vitamina C, vopseaua Gerocossen Color Plus învăluie părul în timpul vopsirii într-un film protector, lasându-l sănătos şi viguros.
Balsamul stabilizator conţinut, pe bază de proteine de grâu, muşeţel şi vitamina E, finalizează vopsirea: fixează culoarea în profunzime şi reface structura părului. 
Culoarea rămâne strălucitoare timp îndelungat.
- See more at:

vineri, 14 februarie 2014

Blind cleaning services London - commercial sector

The blinds in your office, no matter what kind, can be a very useful tool in creating a adequate and pleasant environment  to work in, but  can be a very high breach of basic health and safety regulations as well, and an impediment  to deliver proper work conditions (strong sunlight, confidentiality)
The Clean Blinds team is professionally delivering complete blinds management, from deep cleaning using our ultrasonic technology, on site repairs, safety checks,to complete blind refurbishments, consumables replace  and regular overall checks, ALL ON A VERY SMALL BUDGET.
Our professionals can clean a large variety of window blinds including:
  • Venetian Blinds
  • wooden Blinds
  • Roman Blinds
  • Roller Blinds
  • Vertical Blinds
  • silhouettes
  • pleated blinds
Blind cleaning services London include a large and variate experience in corporation and public spaces projects, and as the market asks, we developed very flexible serviceswe are open for night or weekends  on site works   to avoid  disturbance to the business environment, we have  a 24 hr turnaround service * for off site works that need to get to our factory, a rapid response team to solve urgent blinds problems on site, like blinds replacement for unrepairable situations.

joi, 13 februarie 2014

The Clean Blinds team provides all blinds related services ,from blinds maintenance , blinds repairs, blinds  ultrasonic cleaning to electric operated blinds and complex projects in a professional conduit, with specialized equipment and trained personal. From our sales person to on site technicians, our friendly and helpful staff delivers great customer service, the most cost effective solutions ,no matter if you need our ultrasonic cleaning process, blinds repairs or just a simple routine check you will be pleased to have chosen our services: clean , repair or replacement blinds in Greater London and South East NO matter if they are venetians , romans, silhouettes ,pleated or any other type, we always have a great and particular solution for your blinds, so the cleaned become new, the repairs become manufacture, all that for your old blinds to smile again in a clean, safe habitat and in a friendly environmental way.

miercuri, 12 februarie 2014

marți, 11 februarie 2014

Vanzari auto Timisoara

Vanzari auto Timisoara

Vanzari auto Timisoara. Vanzari masini Timisoara.
Bine ati venit pe site-ul nostru vanzari masini second hand Timisoara- piata auto Timisoara
Aceasta este una din cele mai bune solutii pentru vanzari auto second hand . Aici beneficiezi de anunturi gratuite. 
Cateva motive pentru care merita sa va adaugati anunturile de vanzari auto pe
  • Pentru ca utilizatorii de internet nu folosesc doar site-ul cel mai popular. este un site activ si popular in domeniul anunturilor si vanzarilor auto, incepand din anul 2006
  • Vinde-ti masina pe si beneficiezi de peste 500.000 de potentiali cumparatori lunar!
  • Pertenerii nostrii au vandut si cumparat mii de masini si utilitare prin intermediul nostru
  • Paginile detaliate aleanunturilor auto sunt optimizate zilnic pentru ca anunturile postate pe site-ul nostru sa fie usor gasite si in motoarele de cautare (Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc.)
  • Interfata de administrare este foarte usor si rapid de utilizat. Nu trebuie sa asteptati minute in sir pana anuntul dvs. este adaugat pe site.

luni, 10 februarie 2014

Lexmark 18LX042E Cartus Compatibil
Lexmark 18LX042E  toner compatibil, Lexmark 18LX042E  pret 18LX042E  ieftin
Cauti Cartus Compatibil, Toner Compatibil, sau Consumabile Compatibile,Lexmark 18LX042E
Cartus Compatibil pret 18LX042E  magazin online Lexmark

duminică, 9 februarie 2014

self-drive tour of Romania or Transylvania offers you the advantage of being only with your family, friends or group while receiving all the needed support from us in planning your trip and making arrangements for transportationaccommodation and any other service.
We will listen to your interests and expectations and create a tailor-made itinerary which can be modified until you are totally satisfied with it. Then we will book the services you want us to book and you will have a hassle free tour, save time and overall probably money as well. Before or during the tour, you can always ask as questions or for support.
Below please find some suggested itineraries but we can just start from zero, contact us and let's get this discussion started.

Family tour of Transylvania: children friendly activities

How about holidays with children includingriding donkeys, piling haystacks, painting eggs, hiking, bathing and watching the brown bear in the wild?
It is both fun and educational and you will also see the wooden churches of Maramures andpainted monasteries of Bucovina.
The itinerary can be further tailored, the price is 690 EUR per person for 15 days.
- See more at:

joi, 6 februarie 2014

How safe is Romania?

Romania is a safe country to travel to.
The Canadian Government travel advisory gives the same travel advisory for Romania as it does for France, Australia or Argentina recommending to "exercise normal security precautions", thus placing it in the category of the safest countries to travel to.
Same travel advisory recommendation is given by the United Kingdom or Australian Departments of Foreign Affairs.
The US Department of State has not issued any travel alert or caution for Romania describing it as "the country has a market-oriented economy with developed tourist facilities in the capital, Bucharest, and facilities of varying quality throughout the rest of the country."
According to the United Nations Organisation for Drugs and Crime latest homicide report, the crime rate in Romania is 2.0, close to those of Belgium (1.7), Israel (2.1) or Finland (2.2) and less than half that of the US (4.7) and a fifth of Russia's crime rate (10.2).
- See more at:

Stone care for homes

We promise the best stone cleaning and restoration service you had ever seen or it s free, and we had never had to work for free.
Besides the impeccable service you receive from the Brightastone®  team ,  the good things keep coming from all sides:
  • improved techniques - we are always up to date with the newest machinery , processes and the market trend to achieve an excellent stone surface  in a clean , efficient way.
  • 100% natural products, low odor and most of the times water based,nature sourced  products which keeps your indoors toxins free to a molecular level.
  • Our estimates are on site, always free and come with a sample area witch we oblige to match and exceed.
  • The site is well prepared and completely isolated before commencing the work, the furniture is carefully moved out of the way, and all the surroundings are being protected with a special film to keep accidents under control.
You are one call away from having again a great stone surface in you home.
Contact us for advice or estimates on , via contact form , online chat or simply call0202266511.

miercuri, 5 februarie 2014

Gel de Dus Herbals cu piersica si avocado
Preturile includ toate taxele,  Costuri de livrare ZERO pentru comenzi de minim 75 ron !
Cu piersică şi avocado
Catifelare şi revitalizare
Gelul de duş cremă Gerocossen Herbals cu piersică şi avocado, conferă pielii catifelare, fineţe şi o senzaţie de confort. Pielea se va simţi răsfăţată şi revigorată.
Conţinut : 250 ml -
 See more at:

duminică, 2 februarie 2014

Blind cleaning services London - commercial sector
The blinds in your office, no matter what kind, can be a very useful tool in creating a adequate and pleasant environment  to work in, but  can be a very high breach of basic health and safety regulations as well, and an impediment  to deliver proper work conditions (strong sunlight, confidentiality)
The Clean Blinds team is professionally delivering complete blinds management, from deep cleaning using our ultrasonic technology, on site repairs, safety checks,to complete blind refurbishments, consumables replace  and regular overall checks, ALL ON A VERY SMALL BUDGET.
Our professionals can clean a large variety of window blinds including:
  • Venetian Blinds
  • wooden Blinds
  • Roman Blinds
  • Roller Blinds
  • Vertical Blinds
  • silhouettes
  • pleated blinds
Blind cleaning services London include a large and variate experience in corporation and public spaces projects, and as the market asks, we developed very flexible serviceswe are open for night or weekends  on site works   to avoid  disturbance to the business environment, we have  a 24 hr turnaround service * for off site works that need to get to our factory, a rapid response team to solve urgent blinds problems on site, like blinds replacement for unrepairable situations.
We are proud to sustain mutual beneficial partnership with some of the most prestigious estate agencies in London, national construction companies, architects, local builders and decorators, public institutions, hospitals and residential customers, all keen to reduce costs, have healthy habitats and do their share of environment protection without compromising the final product or lowering their standards.
We provide on site free no obligation qoutes and we advise on every project the best option for the best result.
As a highly competitive company, we understand the need of flexibility, as a result we don`t turn back to small jobs  and dont get confused with the big ones; our trained technicians are courteous, good time managers, and very responsible about the results of their work. 

Blind cleaning services London - commercial sector
The blinds in your office , no matter what kind, can be a very useful tool in creating a adequate and pleasant environment  to work in , but  can be a very high breach of  basic health and safety regulations as well, and an impediment  to deliver proper work conditions ( strong sunlight, confidentiality )
The Clean Blinds team  is professionally delivering complete blinds management , from deep cleaning using our ultrasonic technology  , on site repairs , safety checks ,  to complete blind refurbishments, consumables replace  and regular overall checks , ALL ON A VERY SMALL BUDGET.
Our professionals can clean a large variety of window blinds including:
  • Venetian Blinds
  • wooden Blinds
  • Roman Blinds
  • Roller Blinds
  • Vertical Blinds
  • silhouettes
  • pleated blinds
Blind cleaning services London include a large and variate experience in corporation and public  spaces projects, and as the market asks, we developed  very flexible services:    we are open for  night or weekends  on site works   to avoid  disturbance to the business environment , we have  a 24 hr turnaround service * for off site works that need to get to our factory ,  a rapid response  team to solve urgent blinds  problems on site, like for like blinds replacement for unrepairable situations.
We are proud to sustain  mutual  beneficial  partnership  with some of the most prestigious  estate agencies in London , national construction companies , architects ,local builders and decorators , public institutions ,   hospitals  and residential customers, all keen  to reduce costs  ,  have  healthy habitats and   do their share of environment protection  without compromising the final product or lowering their standards . ,
We provide on site free no obligation qoutes and we advise on every project  the best option for the best result,
As a highly competitive company, we understand the need of flexibility , as a result we don t turn back to small jobs  and dont get confused with the big ones ; our trained technicians are courteous,  good time managers, and very responsible about the results of their work .

sâmbătă, 1 februarie 2014

Stone care for homes
We promise the best stone cleaning and restoration service you had ever seen or it s free, and we had never had to work for free.
Besides the impeccable service you receive from the Brightastone®  team ,  the good things keep coming from all sides:
  • improved techniques - we are always up to date with the newest machinery , processes and the market trend to achieve an excellent stone surface  in a clean , efficient way.
  • 100% natural products, low odor and most of the times water based,nature sourced  products which keeps your indoors toxins free to a molecular level.
  • Our estimates are on site, always free and come with a sample area witch we oblige to match and exceed.
  • The site is well prepared and completely isolated before commencing the work, the furniture is carefully moved out of the way, and all the surroundings are being protected with a special film to keep accidents under control.
You are one call away from having again a great stone surface in you home.
Contact us for advice or estimates on , via contact form , online chat or simply call0202266511.